The firmware updates though were useful, added to functionality of the set, and periodically removed some of the absurd apps that came on the TV. Seems Samsung has never heard of a user only turning the TV on right on the hour for a network show and then turning it off when the show is over. They would start when I turned on the TV and interfere with the beginning of whatever network show I wanted to watch. Mine’s old enough now (almost 5 years) that it rarely gets an update now but it got them regularly about once a month or so until it was over three years old. I also have my Samsung connected to my cable TV box (no TV without cable here) and also connected to my router. I like being able to see my iPhone photos on the larger TV monitor. A 55″ “monitor” is really nice even though I have my 24″ Dell Ultrasharp monitor with two Dell computers connected to it sitting next to the Samsung TV. I bought my current Samsung TV from Dell at a better price than “local” Target and WalMart and had it shipped free to Hawaii but currently Dell is not selling TVs.ĭon’t any of you use your TV as a computer monitor? I can’t imagine not connecting my Samsung to the internet. Local dealer? You consider Target and WalMart to be “local dealers”? Only place now to buy TVs since Sears closed recently.